
This blog originates on the banks of the Atchafalaya River, in Louisiana. It proposes to share the things that happen on and by the river as the seasons progress. As the river changes from quiet, warm, slow flow to rises of eighteen feet or more, there are changes in the lives of the birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles that use the river. And the mood of the river changes with the seasons. I propose to note and comment on these things.

My Photo
Location: Butte La Rose, Louisiana, United States

I transitioned a few years ago from a career as a water-pollution control biologist. I want to do this blog to stay in touch with a world outside my everyday surroundings, whatever they may be. I like open-minded company and the discussion of ideas. Photo by Brad Moon.

Friday, May 27, 2011

2011 High Water – Fifteen

Here is a picture of the Myette Point boat landing taken this week. The vast area covered by water is actually the parking lot. The previous picture taken while construction was going on was taken from the other end looking this way. This picture was shared to me by Larry Couvillier.
The river is at 23.3 feet on the Butte La Rose gauge, holding steady for the next several days and beginning to fall by June 1, at least a little bit.

Rise and Shine, Jim


Blogger Carolyn said...

Just checked in to see how things are going and am glad to hear no water in your house! Hoping the water allows you to move home soon.
ps enjoyed your thoughts on the different moods of the river.

May 28, 2011 8:12 AM  
Blogger jim said...

Hope so too. The sheriff's folks told me that there is no water around the house, or on the driveway, and rabbits are eating in the back yard. Good news.

May 28, 2011 10:57 AM  
Blogger shoreacres said...

Just so pleased for you and everyone, all the way down to Morgan City.

I've heard a couple of reports from individuals who swear they've been able to hear the drought-parched land slurping in the flood waters. It's a terrible, ironic kind of assistance, but every little bit helps.

May 31, 2011 12:51 PM  

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